No oral symptom should be ignored – ever! Every oral health symptom is a warning that something abnormal is happening in the oral cavity and, if that […]
1. What is Dental x-rays? Dental x-rays are a form of imaging test that dentists use to learn more about the health of your teeth. A dentist can discover a lot […]
1. What is the first thing that you will do while going to a regular oral check-up? Before anything is done inside your mouth your dentist will need […]
Oral health can no longer be separated from overall health. Unless you are free of dental disease, particularly gum disease – and the other oral health […]
Surprisingly, 7 out of every 10 Canadians will develop a form of gum disease in their lifetime. Gum disease is the most common dental problem and it is extremely important to prevent it before it occurs. Luckily, it can be very easy to prevent it.